Are you the smartest person listening to The Hawk?
Find out every morning @ 7:40 with Todd E. Lyons, Esquire as he poses “Today’s ‘Impossible’ Question” powered by: Yakima Federal Savings & Loan!
Today's Question: (2/7/25) 71% of married men say they never let their wife near the ___________. What?
(2/6/25) 29% of women have tried to enhance their appearance by ___________. What?
(2/5/25) Phone chargers are the most common thing left behind in hotel rooms. ___________ is the second most. What is it?
Answer: underwear
(2/4/25) The average man uses two ___________ while the average woman uses four of them. What?
Answer: pillows
(2/3/25) More than 50% of employees say they don't have one of these at work. What is it?
Answer: a friend
(1/31/25) Women think about ___________ around 5 times per day, while men think about it every other day. What?
Answer: grocery shopping
(1/30/25) 84% of Americans are worried that their homes are not ___________. What?
Answer: clean
(1/29/25) According to a survey in a woman's magazine, 7 out of 10 women won't date a guy who has ___________. What?
Answer: gray hair
(1/28/25) 15% of Americans wish they could ___________. What?
Answer: read minds
(1/27/25) Over 75% of people own ___________, but less than half of them actually work? What is it?
Answer: a flashlight
(1/24/25) A study found, when meeting someone new, the first two things people judge are the other person's teeth and their ___________. What?
(1/23/25) One out of every nine Americans have worked at a ___________. What/where?
Answer: convenience store
(1/22/25) The most likely thing a kid will stick up their nose is ___________. What?
Answer: a color crayon
(1/21/25) Once you hit the age of 80, you will live longer if you have ___________. What?
Answer: a job
(1/20/25) According to a recent survey, the beach was the #1 place most people would most like to live. Coming in at #2 is ___________. What?
Answer: a small town
(1/17/25) Over 90% of American households will buy a ___________ every week. What?
Answer: pie
(1/16/25) A survey found ___________ to be the most annoying sound in the workplace. What is it?
Answer: sniffling
(1/15/24) 37% of men say that they would like to purchase a ___________ before they die. What?
Answer: Ford Mustang
(1/14/25) 38% of Americans realize that they are out of shape when they attempt ___________. What?
Answer: Bring in the groceries
(1/13/25) 19% of people say that the most annoying sound is ___________. What?
Answer: clearing your throat
(1/10/25) 12% of adults do not own a ___________. What is it?
Answer: credit card
(1/9/25) Every year, 2000 people go to the Emergency Room because of ___________. What?
Answer: pizza
(1/8/25) The average person spends 5 1/2 months of their life waiting for ___________. What?
Answer: a web page or video to load
(1/7/25) 32% of people believe they got their job because of this? What?
(1/6/25) The U.S. has more than 10,000 millionaires that made their money and got rich by ___________. What?
Answer: playing video games
(12/20/24) 38% of us plan to visit ___________ on our Summer vacation this year.
(12/19/24) The average person buys a new ___________ every 3 years. What?
(12/17/24) Half of all dog owners say that their dog loves to ___________. What?
Answer: watch t.v.
(12/16/24) It takes the average person 8 seconds to ___________. What?
(12/12/24) We throw away about 20% of ___________ before going to buy more. What?
Answer: toothpaste
(12/11/24) When it comes to money, about 20% of us have consulted ___________ to help make a financial decision. Who/What?
Answer: our horoscope
(12/10/24) 12% of us never use ___________ even though we've already paid for it. What is it?
Answer: prescription drugs
(12/9/24) More than 2 out of every 5 air travelers want ___________ banned on airplanes. What is it?
Answer: reclining seats
(12/6/24) 18% of women have bought ___________ for a man when they don't know what to get him. What is it?
(12/4/24) Around 1/3rd of people say that the only thing they love about their job is ___________. What?
(12/3/24) Nearly 80% married couples don't trust their spouse to ___________. What?
Answer: wake them up
(12/2/24) If you were born between 1981 and 1996 you are a "Millenial" and 68% of you do not own ___________. What?
Answer: a toaster
(11/27/24) Tying your shoes is the hardest thing to teach your child. Coming in second place is teaching them how to ___________. What?
(11/26/24) A little less than 10% of people admit that one of their favorite things to do after having a bad day is eating ___________. What?
(11/25/24) 11% of adults say that they have smoked weed while at ___________. Where?
Answer: McDonald's
(11/22/24) The #3 most-hated invention that we say we can't live without is ___________. What?
Answer: alarm clock
(11/20/24) A recent survey found that women should stop wearing ___________ at age 51. What?
Answer: high-heeled shoes
(11/19/24) The #1 thing in our homes that people say we have too many of is ___________. What?
(11/18/24) Close to 18% of women say that they pray before they ___________. What?
Answer: step on the scale
(11/15/24) 68% of women say that they feel guilty if they ___________ before going to work. What?
Answer: leave dirty dishes in the sink
(11/13/24) A waiter or waitress can expect to make 20% more in tips if they wear ___________. What?
Answer: red
(11/12/24) 8% of people said that ___________ ruins a salad. What?
Answer: cabbage
(11/11/24) 1 in 5 adults say that they are too afraid to clean ___________ in their home. What?
Answer: refridgerator
(11/7/24) 3,000 people a year wind-up in the Emergency Room after tripping over ___________. What?
Answer: laundry basket
(11/6/24) A survey revealed that the most annoying phrase used in work meetings is "___________". What?
(11/5/24) Nearly half of women purchase ___________ when they are feeling down. What?
(11/1/24) 2 out of 5 adults say that they are embarrassed by their ___________ and blame their parents for it. What?
Answer: middle name
(10/31/24) When talking with other guys, approximately 20% of men refer to their wife by the name ___________. What?
Answer: the boss
(10/30/24) 3 out of 5 women over the age of 35 years say that the biggest compliment they can get is when someone tells them ___________. What?
Answer: they look younger than what they actually are
(10/28/24) 82% of women say that a guy over age 30 should never wear ___________. What?
Answer: an earring
(10/25/24) By the age of 5, 70% of our kids know how to use a computer mouse but only 10% of them know how to ___________. What?
Answer: tie their shoes
(10/24/24) A study shows that - compared to their mothers - women today have much bigger ___________. What?
Answer: engagement rings
(10/23/24) The top 2 things that women say that they like to splurge on are flowers and ___________. What?
Answer: jeans
(10/21/24) A poll found that kids only listen about 50% of the time when their parents talk about ___________. What?
Answer: finances
(10/18/24) Millenials are nearly 20% more successful at ___________ than their parent. What is it?
Answer: staying married
(10/17/24) 1 in 4 people surveyed say that the first thing they change when they move into a new place is ___________. What?
(10/16/24) 35% of men have tried to hide ___________ from their mother. What?
Answer: motorcycle
(10/15/24) 56% of people say that they will NOT date someone who is not good at ___________. What?
Answer: driving
(10/14/24) 36% of drivers say that the most important thing to keep in your car is ___________. What?
(10/11/24) 2 out of 5 married men say that their wives are ___________ and that they don't like it. What is it?
(10/10/24) 12% of women claim that they ended a date prematurely because the guy ___________. What?
Answer: cursed/swore/used profanity too much
(10/9/24) While ice cream is the most popular dessert, ____________ is #2. What is it?
Answer: Jell-O
(10/8/24) If you are an average person, you have 725 of these. What are they?
Answer: phone contacts
(10/7/24) The #1 thing that women say that they can NOT live without is the internet.
What is the #2 thing?
Answer: cuddling
(10/4/24) Slightly more than 1/4 of people say that they just have ___________ for breakfast. What?
Answer: soda pop
(10/3/24) More than 50% of workers polled said that they wish their workplace would upgrade ___________. What?
Answer: the coffee
(10/2/24) In the U.S. each year, 4,500 people injure themselves with this common utensil. What is it?
Answer: a pencil
(10/1/24) Nearly 1 out of 4 people say that comments from their kids inspire them to ___________. What?
Answer: lose weight
(9/27/24) The #1 thing adults forget the most is where they put their keys. Number 2 is ___________. What?
Answer: what they need at the store/grocery list
(9/26/24) When blowing out birthday candles, 1/4th of women say that they wish for more ___________. What?
Answer: time with husband
(9/25/24) In a hamburger survey, cheese was named as the #1 most popular topping/condiment, but one topping made BOTH the most loved AND most hated list. What is it?
Answer: pickles
(9/24/24) Since 2019, 16% more of us have started to watch ___________. What?
Answer: birds/birdwatching
(9/23/24) According to a recent survey, liver is the #1 MOST HATED food. #2 is ___________. What?
Answer: lima beans
(9/20/24) 1/4th of children say that they hate this about their parents when riding in a car. What is it?
Answer: yell at other drivers
(9/19/24) Almost half of women say that they hate it when their man does this in their home. What is it?
Answer: drink straight out of the carton/jug
(9/17/24) Almost 1/3 of Americans say that they are confident they could ___________ in an emergency. What?
Answer: land a plane
(9/16/24) Only 1% of this food sold in the U.S. is actually eaten. What is it?
Answer: pumpkin
(9/13/24) Nearly 7 out of 10 people say that ___________ makes their job better. What is it?
Answer: music in the office
(9/12/24) According to a poll, our Top 3 phobias are heights, spiders and ___________. What?
Answer: tight/enclosed spaces (claustrophobia)
(9/11/24) 29% of Americans say that their favorite thing about Fall is ___________. What?
(9/10/24) The most common recurring dreams include: #1 - falling, #2 - being chased and #3 - ___________. What?
(9/9/24) 38% of people say that doing this brings them instant happiness. What is it?
(9/6/24) A little over 50% of women say they do ___________ much better than their husband. What is it?
Answer: mow the lawn
(9/5/24) Coffee is the most recognizable smell. Peanut butter is #2. What is #3?
Answer: a rose
(9/4/24) The #1 food found in pantries is ___________. What?
Answer: macaroni & cheese
(9/3/24) Nearly 50% of us admit to talking to this inanimate object. What is it?
Answer: ATM
(8/30/24) 1/4 of all couples enter into marriage without knowing ___________ about their spouse. What?
Answer: their salary $$$
(8/29/24) Just over 1/4th of people polled said that they know they are going to have a bad day if ___________ happens to them in the morning. What is it?
Answer: lose/can't find their car keys
(8/28/24) 31 years-old is the average age that people stop doing what?
Answer: having a birthday party
(8/27/24) You are more likely to get stung by a bee if you are eating ___________. What?
(8/26/24) People that sleep on their left side are more likely to be ___________. What?
Answer: creative
(8/23/24) 15% of us have not washed our ___________ in the past 6 months. What?
Answer: bathrobe
(8/22/24) 12% of people still have ___________ from their elementary school days. What is it?
Answer: a best friend
(8/21/24) If, suddenly, there were 25 hours in a day, 1/4th of people surveyed said that they would use that extra hour to ___________. What?
Answer: exercise
(8/20/24) According to a magazine article on parenting, the #1 thing that parents say you should give your child is a ___________. What?
Answer: good first name
(8/19/24) A study has determined that we spend 5 years of our lives feeling ___________. What?
Answer: bored
(8/16/24) According to a study, men with higher IQ's are more likely to bet on ___________. What?
Answer: horse racing
(8/15/24) Back in the 70's, around 87% of us would ___________ right when we got home from work. Now days, only about 45% of us do it. What?
Answer: check the mail
(8/14/24) In a survey, women said that the top 3 gifts they dread getting the most were: 1.) gift cards, 2.) tacky ornaments, and #3 ___________. What?
Answer: diet book
(8/13/24) Slightly more than 1/3 of people say that they would never go back to a restaurant if it didn't have ___________. What?
Answer: soap in the bathroom
(8/12/24) According to a recent survey, men that have ___________, on average, earn 22% more money than men without one. What?
Answer: a wife
(8/9/24) People that ___________ for just 30 seconds a day also take 29% fewer sick days. What is it?
Answer: take a cold shower
(8/8/24) Women who are unsure what gift to get their husband will probably just end up buying them a ___________. What?
Answer: wallet
(8/7/24) A study suggests that women who have ___________ make more money than women without it. What is it?
Answer: blonde hair
(8/5/24) Just over half of employees say that their workplace doesn't have a ___________. What?
Answer: dress code
(8/2/24) Every year, 80,000 people get bitten by ___________. What?
Answer: another person
(8/1/24) 55% of women say that they have used a curling iron as a ___________. What?
Answer: fake microphone
(7/30/24) In a survey, 10% of people said that they think the scariest creature on Earth is a ___________. What?
Answer: cockroach
(7/29/24) A survey found that, at any given time, about 20% of us are thinking about ___________. What?
Answer: quitting their job
(7/26/24) The #1 household chore that people say they hate the most is ___________. What?
Answer: cleaning the oven
(7/25/24) A survey asked Americans to name the most stressful thing in their lives. #1 was the mortgage payment. #2 was ___________. What?
Answer: having family come visit from out of town for the holidays
(7/24/24) The best time of the day to ___________ is 4 o'clock in the afternoon. What?
Answer: spray for household insects
(7/23/24) 17% of people say that the worst kind of food to find a hair in is ___________. What?
Answer: pancakes
(7/22/24) A survey of doctors found that the top 3 inanimate objects involved in accidents around the home are: 1.) bicycles 2.) stairs and 3.) ___________. What?
Answer: footballs
(7/19/24) If you are average, you own 9 ___________ of which 3 of them are completely useless. What is it?
Answer: keys
(7/18/24) The average guy says that he has five (5) ___________. What?
Answer: jokes
(7/17/24) In a survey, women were asked what food reminded them of their husband and 33% said a ___________. What?
Answer: potato
(7/16/24) The average American utters this two-word phrase out loud 3 times a day. What is it?
Answer: "I'm tired"
(7/15/24) Slightly over 3/4ths of women say that the thing they regret most about their high school years is ___________. What?
Answer: their hairstyle
(7/12/24) The average man spends 41 minutes a day thinking about their ___________. What?
Answer: fantasy football team
(7/11/24) 3/4ths of women say that they are turned off when they see a dad who wears ___________. What?
Answer: pleated pants
(7/10/24) Slightly more than half of all Americans wish that they were ___________. What?
Answer: taller
(7/9/24) The average woman secretly likes to ___________. What?
Answer: vacuuming
(7/8/24) A survey shows that the main things we feel guilty about throwing away are: gifts, family heirlooms, clothes we don't wear and ___________. What?
Answer: greeting cards
(7/3/24) 1/4th of all men say that they get tired after just 26 minutes of ___________. What?
Answer: shopping
(7/2/24) On average, a woman thinks to herself, "I hate ___________", about 3 times per week. What?
Answer: my clothes
(7/1/24) A study revealed that the #1 factor to living a fulfilled life is having a ___________. What?
Answer: job you like
(6/28/24) A recent study showed that you will argue less with your partner if you ___________. What?
Answer: dim the lights
(6/27/24) The #1 place that people accidentally leave their cell phone is ___________.
Answer: a coffee shop
(6/26/24) 1 out of 10 married couples say that they met each other at ___________. What?
Answer: the gym
(6/25/24) More than 50% of men in the U.S. say that their least favorite thing to go shopping for is ___________. What?
Answer: furniture
(6/24/24) The #1 thing that annoys us while we are out shopping is when other people ___________. What?
Answer: walk slowly
(6/21/24) Approximately 33% of homes have a ___________ and it's almost always in the closet. What is it?
Answer: Scrabble board game
(6/19/24) 7% of people say that they have hidden a ___________ underneath their bed. What?
Answer: gift/present
(6/18/24) Around 7% of women say that they have dreamt about a ___________. What?
Answer: bartender
(6/17/24) The #1 thing that will put us in a better mood is ___________. What?
Answer: finding money
(6/13/24) If you are average, you will spend 2 weeks of your entire lifetime - 15 days to be precise - doing what?
Answer: kissing
(6/12/24) A recent study on "tough tasks" found that ___________ was the second hardest after quitting smoking. What?
Answer: saving for retirement
(6/11/24) Just over 1/2 of people say that they are turned off by parents that ___________ in public. What?
Answer: change diapers
(6/10/24) Researchers say that co-workers that ___________ are more productive and get along better. What?
Answer: hug
(6/7/24) According to a recent survey, 45% of Americans say they had to get rid of ___________ after a romantic split. What?
Answer: a song they shared together
(6/6/24) According to an insurance company survey, almost 1/2 of drivers keep ___________ in their car at all times. What?
Answer: a change of clothes
(6/5/24) 818 times a year, the average person fantasizes about ___________. What?
Answer: taking a vacation
(6/4/24) 49% of couples get ___________ before they get married. What?
Answer: a pet
(6/3/24) 1/4th of men say that they would never date a woman that had ___________. What?
Answer: facial piercings
(5/31/24) On average, 1,700 Americans a year go to the emergency room after injuring an eye with a ___________.
Answer: toothbrush
(5/30/24) 8% of people say that they have ___________ when relatives come over to visit. What?
Answer: slept in a tent
(5/29/24) 3 out of 10 Americans say that they would give up their daily bath/shower before they would give up ___________. What?
Answer: coffee
(5/28/24) About half of us say that we wished we looked more graceful when we ___________. What?
Answer: open a bottle of wine
(5/24/24) On average, 465 million of these are made each year and most of us own at least 10. What is it?
Answer: t-shirts
(5/23/24) According to a study, the #1 thing that people will judge you on is ___________. What?
Answer: your teeth
(5/21/24) Nearly half of all parents say that they regret ever loaning ___________ to one of their kids. What is it?
Answer: a credit card
(5/20/24) 1 out of 5 of us say that we feel guilty when we ___________ but 70% of us do it anyways. What is it?
Answer: re-gifting
(5/17/24) More than 50% of people that own a ___________ say that they almost never use it. What is it?
Answer: sunroof
(5/16/24) A study showed that half of people that stopped being friends with someone is because they got ___________ from them. What?
Answer: bad advice
(5/15/24) The average female will own 111 ___________ in her entire life. What?
Answer: purses
(5/14/24) 1 in 3 parents say that ___________ is the most difficult thing they encountered when the first became a parent. What is it?
Answer: potty training
(5/13/24) 1 in 3 adults in the U.S. say that their spouse is guilty of hogging ___________. What?
Answer: the covers
(5/10/24) This common household appliance is responsible for about 280 deaths a year in American homes. What is it?
Answer: toaster
(5/9/24) In a recent survey, people said that the most annoying personal bad habit is ___________. What?
Answer: cracking knuckles
(5/8/24) On average, a U.S. family will text each other around 10,000 times a year. The #1 subject is ___________. What?
Answer: dinner plans
(5/7/24) Almost 7 out of 10 men say that they wish that they would get more ___________ from their partner. What?
Answer: compliments
(5/4/24) On average, a woman will keep the same ___________ for 12 years. What is it?
Answer: hairstylist
(5/3/24) 9 out of 10 American households currently have ___________ in their home right now. What is it?
Answer: ice cream
(5/2/24) The average age of adults who were polled said that they were 11 years old when they picked a favorite ___________ and have stuck with it ever since. What is it?
(5/1/24) 96% of people say that they have zero patience for ___________. What is it?
Answer: listening to a voice mail
(4/30/24) A survey revealed that 1% of Americans are horrified by the thought of simply touching ___________. What?
Answer: money
(4/29/24) The #1 most difficult driving maneuver, according to a survey, is parallel parking. What was the #2 answer?
Answer: backing into a parking spot
(4/26/24) Statistically, if you are a man that has a ___________ you are probably more intelligent than other men. What is it?
Answer: hairy chest
(4/25/24) 8 years old is the age that the average person learns how to ___________. What?
Answer: swim
(4/24/24) 4 out of 5 women agree that if a guy is good at ___________ they automatically find him to be attractive. What?
answer: good at dressing himself
(4/23/24) Nearly 1 out of 4 women say that, if they could, they would change ___________ about their mother. What?
Answer: hair style
(4/22/24) A recent poll found that the #1 fear American's have is world war, followed by ___________ at #2. What is it?
Answer: declaring bankruptcy
(4/19/24) 3 out of 10 brides say that, if they could go back in time, they would change ___________ about their wedding day. What?
Answer: the venue
(4/18/24) People that own a ___________ replace them, on average, every 2.5 years because they get lost/stolen/broken. What is it?
Answer: an umbrella
(4/15/24) The Top 3 Most Hated foods in the U.S.A. are: tofu, liver and ___________. What?
Answer: anchovies
(4/12/24) The biggest bathroom pet peeve is an empty toilet paper roll. #2 is leaving the seat up. What is at #3?
Answer: globs of toothpaste in the sink
(4/11/24) 25% of folks surveyed say that the first thing that they change when they move into a new house is ___________. What?
Answer: toilet seat
(4/10/24) According to the experts, single ladies looking to find a happy, secure boyfriend should look for a man with ___________. What?
Answer: a sister/sisters
(4/9/24) A recent study showed that 10% of Millennials have never ___________ - while almost 100% of people over the age of 50 have. What is it?
Answer: ridden a bicycle
(4/8/24) 1/3rd of people say that knowing that they ___________ boosts their confidence. What is it?
Answer: smell good
(4/5/24) A new study says that the most stressful thing in the lives of Americans is ___________. What?
Answer: making monthly mortgage payment
(4/4/24) In a recent study, it was found that the #1 item on most people's 'Bucket List' is driving a race car, beating out ___________ at #2. What?
Answer: sky diving
(4/3/24) According to a recent survey, 31% of Americans say that they would refuse to date someone with this habit. What is it?
Answer: vegetarianism
(4/2/24) 20% of people have a ___________ on them at all times. What?
Answer: pack of gum
(4/1/24) Women tend to be more attracted to guys that ___________ - because it appears to be a sign of confidence - according to a recent study. What is it?
Answer: talk fast
(3/28/24) More than 10,000 millionaires got rich by ___________. What?
Answer: playing video games
(3/26/24) 3/4ths of us would give-up watching TV/shopping/using a smart phone in return for ___________. What?
Answer: a flatter stomach
(3/25/24) 2/5ths of women say that they start to sweat the second that they have to ___________. What?
Answer: parallel park
(3/22/24) At least once a week, 1/5th of people forget ___________. What?
Answer: what day it is
(3/21/24) For dinner tonight, 1 out of 10 Americans will eat ___________ as part of their meal. What is it?
Answer: fish
(3/20/24) 1 in 5 American homes have a ___________ that does not function yet we have no desire to fix it. What is it?
Answer: door bell (ESPECIALLY the back door!)
(3/19/24) Nearly 2 out of 5 married men say that their biggest complaint about their spouse is ___________. What?
Answer: complaining about co-workers
(3/18/24) 15% of us in the U.S. have called in sick to work because we ___________. What?
Answer: stubbed our toe
(3/15/24) Women say that their #1 pet peeve about their partner's driving is ___________. What?
Answer: the radio being too loud
(3/14/24) Almost half of women surveyed said that the most important thing to bring on a vacation is ___________. What?
Answer: comfortable pajamas
(3/13/24) 1 out of 5 Americans say that the thing they do first after getting out of bed in the morning is ___________. What?
Answer: drink water
(3/12/24) 67% of people in the U.S. now say that they no longer can tolerate ___________. What?
Answer: crowds
(3/11/24) During the Summer months, Americans will collectively use 45 million pounds of ___________. What?
Answer: marshmallows
(3/8/24) 3 out of 10 people will have ___________ for breakfast today. What?
Answer: soda pop
(3/7/24) 1:37 P.M. is the average time of the day that people check ___________. What?
Answer: bank balance
(3/5/24) 2 out of 5 people say that they have gotten mad at someone for something that they did to them when they ___________. What?
Answer: were dreaming
(3/4/24) A survey found that the #1 thing that instantly puts us in a better mood is ___________. What?
Answer: finding money in a pocket
(3/1/24) As Americans, when we get drunk, we eat 30% more ___________ than normally. What?
Answer: nachos
(2/29/24) 1 out of 4 of us say that we have attempted, at least, 15 different ___________ in our lifetimes. What?
Answer: diet plans
(2/28/24) Slightly more than 7 out of 10 married men say that they don't let their wife near ___________. What?
Answer: B-B-Q/Grill/Smoker
(2/27/24) At this very moment, more than 60,000 people in America are getting ___________. What?
Answer: their oil changed
(2/26/24) In a recent medical survey, men say that they think that they should have 32 ___________ - but believe women should, ideally, have 5. What is it?
Answer: past sexual partners
(2/23/24) 3 out of every 10 of us say that it was their father who taught them how to ___________. What?
Answer: manage money
(2/22/24) Nearly 1 out of 10 homes in the U.S.A. has ___________ underneath one of the beds. What is it?
Answer: dirty dishes
(2/19/24) 70% of women say that they will not date a guy that has ___________. What?
Answer: gray hair
(2/16/24) 1 in 5 people say that they would never ___________ in public. What?
Answer: sing a song
(2/15/24) In a survey people were asked what 3 things they could not live without. #1 was internet access, #2 was TV and #3 was ___________. What?
Answer: cuddling
(2/14/24): Apparently, when we meet somebody for the first time, we first judge the other person's teeth and then we judge ___________. What?
Answer: their grammar
(2/13/24) If you are over the age of 60, you have already lost one-half of ___________. What?
Answer: taste buds
(2/12/24) Almost half of us say that young adults should wait wait until the age of 25 to get ___________. What?
(2/9/24) 50% of us admit to talking to this inanimate object. What is it?
Answer: ATM (cash machine)
(2/8/24) Over 30% of us say that we wish we had the guts to throw out our ___________. What?
Answer: televisions
(2/7/24) Just 55% of American adults say that they want ___________ out of their romantic relationships. What is it?
Answer: complete monogamy. Conversely, 8% want things to be totally NON-monogamous!
(2/6/24) Almost 40% of ladies say that they are trying to ___________ less often. What?
Answer: gossip
(2/5/24) 68% of women say that a man should never wear ___________, especially on a date. What?
Answer: skinny jeans
(2/2/24) Teenage girls ___________ about once a week, while teen boys do it about once a month. What is it?
Answer: slam a door
(2/1/24) 7% of Americans ___________ on Valentine's Day. What?
Answer: break-up
(1/31/24) 2 out of 5 Americans say that they would never order ___________ at a restaurant. What?
Answer: the same thing as their dining partner
(1/30/24) About 5% of Americans have not done this yet so far in 2024. What is it?
Answer: take down Christmas decorations
(1/29/24) The average single woman does this every 2 1/2 weeks while the typical single man does it once every 3 months. What is it?
Answer: change bed sheets
(1/26/24) The average American gets 2 ___________ per month. What?
Answer: pieces of personal mail
(1/25/24) Over 40% of us have ___________ while at work - at least once - when no one was looking. What?
Answer: changed the thermostat
(1/24/24) About 1/4 of Americans have never had this seemingly universal experience. What is it?
Answer: air travel
(1/23/24) More than half of workers that were polled said that they wish their workplace would upgrade ___________. What?
Answer: the coffee
(1/22/24) On average, we each have 725 of these. What are they?
Answer: phone contacts
(1/18/24) A survey says that 11% of people have missed a day of work because of ___________. What?
Answer: bad weather
(1/17/24) According to a survey, 80% of us will make this mistake before the year ends. What is it?
Answer: Drunk shopping. Women are slightly more likely to be guilty.
(1/16/24) According to a new survey, men are TWICE as likely than women to suffer ___________ while on vacation. What is it?
Answer: running out of underwear
(1/15/24) This happens to the average person about 130 times per year. What is it?
Answer: get a perfect night's sleep
(1/12/24) Since 1970, the number of people who ___________ has dropped by over 70%. What is it?
Answer: take a bath
(1/10/24) The #1 thing that will put you in a bad mood in the morning is ___________. What?
Answer: spilling on yourself
(1/9/24) 31% of moms say that they stress-out about ___________ every day. What?
Answer: their weight
(1/8/24) 1 in 6 people say that they forget to ___________ on a daily basis. What?
Answer: drink water
(1/5/24) A recent study showed that people in what profession are more likely to cause a car accident than others. What is it?
Answer: surgeons
(1/4/24) Monday is the toughest day of the week to decide ___________. What?
Answer: what to make for dinner
(1/3/24) 12% of us don't use ___________ even after we've paid for them. What is it?
Answer: prescriptions
(1/2/24) 0% of Baby Boomers are willing to pay $80 for a ___________. What?
Answer: t-shirt
(12/21/23) At the age of 24 is when the average man learns how to use a ___________. What?
Answer: washing machine
(12/20/23) 57% of men say that if a woman is wearing ___________ on a date, they will move in for a kiss. What is it?
Answer: red lipstick
(12/19/23) A recent survey revealed that around 7% of employers have fired someone due to ___________. What?
Answer: shopping online
(12/18/23) 82% of women say that ___________ is something that only the man in the relationship should do. What is it?
Answer: take out the trash
(12/15/23) Nearly half of all Americans lie when they ___________. What?
(12/14/23) The #1 invention that we say we hate but cannot live without is ___________. What?
Answer: alarm clock
(12/13/23) 28% of people say that it is rude for a house guest to ask you for ___________. What?
Answer: Wi-Fi- password
(12/12/23) A recent survey found that, by age 51, women should stop wearing ___________. What?
Answer: high heels
(12/11/23) The #1 thing people say that we have too many of in our homes is ___________. What?
Answer: hangers
(12/7/23) 29% of adults use their kids as an excuse to buy ___________ for themselves. What is it?
Answer: chocolate milk
(12/6/23) According to Uber Eats, the most popular type of food delivered in the U.S. is ___________. What?
Answer: french fries
(12/5/23) Home decorations and gift cards are the top 2 most re-gifted items. What is #3?
Answer: wine/champagne
(12/4/23) 37% of women say that they would be willing to give-up alcohol, beer/wine, in exchange for never having to ___________ again. What is it?
Answer: do housework
(12/1/23) When kids were asked what they hate to hear their parents say, the #1 answer was "money doesn't grow on trees".
The # 2 answer was ___________. What?
Answer: "We'll see"
(11/30/23) According to a magazine survey, 68% of pregnant women said that they most craved ___________. What?
Answer: nachos
(11/29/23) 21% of kids say that the most annoying thing that their parents do is ___________. What is it?
Answer: singing
(11/28/23) In a survey, people were asked to describe their spouse in one word. The #1 answer was "stubborn". The #2 answer was ___________. What?
Answer: sweet
(11/27/23) If there were 25 hours in a day, 25% of people surveyed said they would use that extra hour to ___________. What?
Answer: exercise
(11/21/23) On average, we spend $6 a week on ___________. What?
Answer: lottery tickets
(11/20/23) 32% of people have told a lie to get out of a ___________. What?
Answer: wedding
(11/17/23) Nearly 1 in 10 people between the ages of 20-40 are afraid to ___________. What?
Answer: talk on the phone
(11/16/23) 18% of men wish they could change her ___________. What?
Answer: laugh
(11/15/23) 82% of women say that a guy over age 30 should never wear ___________. What?
Answer: an earring
(11/14/23) A recent study showed that if you can't stand your neighbor, you are more likely to ___________. What?
Answer: have a heart attack
(11/13/23) Collectively, Americans do this 93 MILLION times a day. What is it?
Answer: take a selfie
(11/10/23) Women say that the top 2 things that they like to splurge on are flowers and ___________. What?
Answer: jeans
(11/9/23) 1 in 8 women get annoyed when they meet another woman with ___________. What?
Answer: the same name
(11/8/23) 'Black Friday' is traditionally the busiest day of the year in retail, but it is also the busiest day of the year for what other profession?
Answer: plumbers
(11/7/23) 93% of Americans have a box of ___________ in their home. What?
Answer: pasta
(11/6/23) 16% of people polled said that if you teach your kids ___________, they will be more successful. What is it?
Answer: how to write thank-you cards/notes
(11/3/23) The #2 most-dangerous food to eat while driving is hot soup. What is #1 on the list?
Answer: potato chips
(11/2/23) 72% of people in a new poll say that they sleep better and are happier the more they ___________. What?
Answer: clean the house
(10/31/23) Almost 40% of married couples say that if they could change one thing about their wedding day it would be ___________. What?
Answer: the song for the first dance
(10/30/23) 12% of women have ended a date prematurely because the guy ___________ too much. What?
Answer: cussed
(10/27/23) A whopping 25% of married people surveyed said that they would divorce their spouse if they ___________. What?
Answer: won the lottery
(10/26/23) About 1 in every 3 wives wishes that their husband would ___________. What?
Answer: hold their hand
(10/25/23) Only 15% of kids entering college today know how to ___________. What?
Answer: write in cursive
(10/24/23) 52% of drivers do not know how to ___________. What?
Answer: change their wiper blades
(10/23/23) The 2 jobs where 95% of the workforce is female are: 1.) kindergarten teacher and #2 ___________. What?
Answer: dental hygienist
(10/20/23) 23% of women say that their partner's worst habit is ___________. What?
Answer: leaving wet towels on the bed
(10/19/23) 25% of us say that ___________ makes the holidays more festive. What is it?/
Answer: a real Christmas tree
(10/18/23) The #1 pet peeve of dads is ___________. What?
Answer: leaving the lights on
(10/17/23) The #1 thing forgotten by adults is where they put their keys. The #2 most-forgotten thing is ___________. What?
Answer: what to get at store
(10/16/23) According to a survey, 43% of people say that they usually regret how much money they spent on ___________. What?
Answer: Christmas
(10/13/23) When blowing out birthday candles, 1 in 4 women say they've wished for more ___________. What?
Answer: time with husband
(10/11/23) A survey says that the #1 reason a woman uses to start a fight with her husband is ___________. What?
Answer: flirting with/looking at another woman
(10/10/23) Every year, the average guy spends $107 on ___________. What?
Answer: dry cleaning
(10/9/23) The #1 food that we hated as kids but love now is ___________. What?
Answer: asparagus
(10/6/23) Even though we see them almost every single day, most of us won't buy a Christmas gift for ___________. Who?
Answer: a neighbor
(10/5/23) The average American now eats about 25 pounds of ___________ every year. What?
Answer: cheese
(10/4/23) 40% of people say that you should never ___________ at a concert. What is it?
Answer: bring a sign
(10/3/23) We are more likely to try to ___________ on a Tuesday than on any other day of the week. What is it?
Answer: apply for a job
(10/2/23) 8 in 10 Americans say that it is "very important" to have a ___________, but only 4 in 10 of us actually have one. What is it?
Answer: a will
(9/29/23) 1 in 4 women admit that they have cried at a ___________. What?
Answer: salon
(9/27/23) A new study says the the MOST important factor to living a fulfilled life is ___________. What?
Answer: a job you like
(9/26/23) 10% of adults say that the worst Christmas present a person can get is ___________. What?
Answer: a toaster
(9/25/23) In the average American house, you will find 41 ___________. What?
Answer: light bulbs
(9/22/23) The #1 food found in American pantries is ___________. What?
Answer: mac & cheese
(9/21/23) 18% of people only wash ___________ once a year. What is it?
Answer: their favorite pair of jeans
(9/20/23) 44% of women say that the most important thing to take on a vacation is ___________. What?
Answer: comfortable pajamas
(9/19/23) 35% of people would forgo a pay raise in exchange for having their ___________. What?
Answer: boss fired
(9/18/23) The #1 thing newlyweds should NOT take on their honeymoon is ___________. What?
Answer: a relative
(9/15/23) In a recent survey, 30% of women admitted that they have no desire to ___________ during this time of year. What?
Answer: paint their toenails
(9/14/23) 1 in 3 American adults has a ___________ in their bedroom. What is it?
Answer: stuffed animal
(9/12/23) 31% of people say that they would take an illegal drug if it would give them the power to ___________. What?
Answer: erase memories
(9/11/23) Close to 96% of American homes have a ___________ in the kitchen. What?
Answer: bottle of ketchup
(9/8/23) The #1 most-common dinner on Friday nights in the U.S.A. is pizza. #2 is ___________. What?
Answer: chicken
(9/7/23) According to Cosmo, 41 years-old is the average age that most of us start to ___________. What?
Answer: take vitamins
(9/6/23) 68% of all American homes have at least one ___________. What? cat
(9/5/23) Most women (around 82%) agree that men over age 30 should never wear ___________. What?
Answer: earrings
(9/1/23) The older you get, the less like it is that you will ___________. What?
Answer: cry
(8/31/23) In a survey, the top 3 gifts that women said they hated getting the most were gift cards, tacky ornaments and ___________. What?
Answer: a diet book
(8/30/23) Researchers say that co-workers get along better & are more productive if they ___________. What?
Answer: hug
(8/29/23) 92% of women hate it when a man wears ___________. What?
Answer: leather pants
(8/28/23) 49% of couples get ___________ before getting married. What is it?
Answer: a pet
(8/25/23) In a new survey, in order to improve their appearance, 32% of Americans say they have ___________. What?
Answer: gotten a tattoo
(8/24/23) A study suggests that women with ___________ make more money than women without it. What is it?
Answer: blonde hair
(8/23/23) Married couples fight with each other 45% of the time after going to ___________. What?
Answer: a party
(8/22/23) While their man watches football on TV, 23% of women will ___________. What?
Answer: get their nails done
(8/21/23) 12% of adults don't have a ___________. What?
Answer: credit card
(8/18/23) 20% of men admit that they have lied to their significant other about how they spent ___________. What?
Answer: tax refund
(8/17/23) The most popular tattoo for women over 50 is ___________.
Answer: a rose
(8/16/23) According to a recent survey, guys are 7 times more likely to share ___________ than women are. What is it?
Answer: A naked selfie they got from a significant other
(8/15/23) The average person fantasizes 818 times a year about ___________. What?
Answer: taking a vacation
(8/11/23) Approximately 22,000 kids are injured in their house each year with ___________. What?
Answer: bunk beds
(8/10/23) 17% of people say that the worst type of food to find a hair in is ___________. What?
Answer: pancakes
(8/9/23) A survey asked Americans to name the most stressful thing in their lives. The #1 answer was the mortgage payment. The #2 answer was ___________. What?
Answer: family comes to visit
(8/8/23) A majority of women say that it's not diamonds, kids or chocolate that truly makes them happy, instead it is actually ___________. What?
Answer: sleep
(8/7/23) When asked what they wanted to be when they grew up, 70% of elementary school boys said they would rather be a ___________ than the President. What is it?
(8/4/23) According to a recent survey, almost 50% of women say that the ultimate status symbol is ___________. What?
Answer: a beautiful house
(8/3/23) It's not money or fame but just under 50% of all Americans secretly wish that they could be ___________. What?
Answer: taller
(8/2/23) 75% of Americans surveyed said that they don't trust ___________. What?
Answer: surveys
(8/1/23) The average man spends 41 minutes per day thinking about their ___________. What?
Answer: fantasy football team
(7/31/23) A recent survey said that 43% of women find it very attractive when a potential love interest knows how to ___________. What?
Answer: iron clothes
(7/28/23) According to a survey, 1% of us are horrified at the thought of touching ___________. What?
(7/27/23) If you are average, you will ___________ four times today. What is it?
Answer: start your car
(7/26/23) The 3 most-played songs in the U.S.A. are "Happy Birthday", "The Star-Spangled Banner" and ___________. What?
Answer: "Take Me Out to the Ballgame"
(7/25/23) Chances are, you will ___________ hundreds of times this year and it will only cost you less than a dollar ($1 USD) to do so. What is it?
Answer: charge your phone
(7/24/23) 33% of women say that they wish they could change their ___________. What?
Answer: laugh
(7/21/23) According to an online dating survey, men ___________ 4 times faster than women. What is it?
Answer: fall in love
(7/20/23) When it comes to driving, women are better than men at ___________. What?
Answer: using turn signal
(7/19/23) According to a recent study, you will argue less with your partner if you ___________. What?
Answer: dim the lights
(7/18/23) The #1 place people accidentally leave their cell/smart phone is ___________. Where?
Answer: coffee shop
(7/17/23) More than 50% of American men say that their least favorite thing to shop for is ___________. What is it?
(7/14/23) 14% of adults say that they've had a drink - or two - before going to ___________. Where?
Answer: the dentist
(7/13/23) A study found that the #1 thing that annoys us while we are out shopping is ___________. What is it?
Answer: people walking slowly
(7/3/23) The most popular food/beverage item purchased at grocery stores for the 4th of July is ___________. What?
Answer: hot dog buns
(6/29/23) According to researchers, it is estimated that you will spend 11 hours of your life this year being ___________. What?
Answer: put on hold
(6/28/23) 35% of people think that one of the worst things you can do on a dinner date is ___________. What is it?
Answer: blow your nose
(6/27/23) 67% of women have dumped a guy because he ___________ too much. What?
Answer: complains
(6/26/23) Nearly 50% of women agree that a man should never wear ___________ to work. What?
Answer: shorts
(6/23/23) 65% of women have made their partner change his ___________ before going out. What?
Answer: shoes
(6/22/23) The #1 thing that people remember most about arguing with their siblings is ___________. What?
Answer: riding shotgun/front seat
(6/21/23) According to recent research, wearing ___________ can make a woman appear 5 to 10 pounds thinner to men. What is it?
Answer: the right scent/fragrance
(6/20/23) On average, 1,700 Americans per year go to the emergency room after injuring an eye with a ___________. What is it?
Answer: toothbrush
(6/19/23) The average guy will spend about $550 a year on ___________ but the average woman spends just about $230. What is it?
Answer: booze
(6/16/23) Men are instantly 90% more attractive to women if they ___________. What?
Answer: play guitar
(6/15/23) A recent study says that the average person will spend 5 months of their life ___________. What?
Answer: complaining
(6/14/23) According to Women's Health, the coolest thing your dad taught you to do was ___________. What?
Answer: fix things
(6/13/23) 57% of us have not changed our ___________ in over 3 years. What is it?
Answer: voice mail greeting
(6/12/23) 38% of arguments between women happen at ___________. Where?
Answer: garage/yard sales
(6/8/23) 20% of us say that we feel guilty when we ___________, but 70% of us do it anyway. What is it?
Answer: re-gift
(6/7/23) 11% of women have never cooked a ___________ for a family dinner. What is it?
Answer: roast
(6/6/23) The average American woman will ___________ more than 4,000 times in her lifetime, even though doctors say you shouldn't do it at all. What is it?
Answer: pop a pimple
(6/5/23) A study says women born under the signs of Libra and Taurus are more likely to have ___________ than other women. What is it?
Answer: plastic surgery
(6/2/23) According to a new survey, the average American ___________ just 7 times per month. What is it?
Answer: gets a good night's sleep
(6/1/23) According to a survey published in Britain, 56% of women think that ___________ is "very important" in a partner, but only 12% of men do. What is it?
Answer: good manners
(5/31/23) Statistics show that you are most likely to ___________ while at work on a Wednesday afternoon. What is it?
Answer: fall asleep
(5/30/23) 70% of men say that they always have ___________ in their vehicle. What is it?
Answer: after shave/cologne
(5/26/23) The average American family sends each other 10,000 text messages a year. The #1 topic is ___________. What?
Answer: dinner plan
(5/25/23) If you're married, there's a 30% chance that you will ___________ at some point over the weekend. What is it?
Answer: argue
(5/24/23) The average woman keeps the same ___________ for 12 years. What is it?
Answer: hair stylist
(5/23/23) Over 90% of U.S. households have ___________ in their home right now. What is it?
Answer: ice cream
(5/22/93) In 1972, over 70% of homes in America had ___________. Today, only about 18% have one. What is it?
Answer: ash tray
(5/19/23) About 1 in every 5 men say that they couldn't leave for vacation without packing a ___________. What?
Answer: hair dryer
(5/18/23) On average, a woman ___________ between 30-64 times a year while the average man does it just 6 times per year. What is it?
Answer: cries
(5/17/23) About 30 people call 9-1-1 daily in America to request help with ___________. What is it?
Answer: finding out the weather forecast
(5/16/23) The #1 thing we find attractive in a mate when we're younger is looks - but after the age of 50, it's ___________. What is it?
(5/15/23) According to a recent survey, the typical woman will ___________ about 1460 times per year. What is it?
Answer: put on make-up
(5/12/23) About 8 in 10 women know this fact about their own bodies, but only 2 out of 10 men can say the same. What is it?
Answer: ring size
(5/11/23) The average family buys a new ___________ every 50 days. What is it?
Answer: jar of mustard
(5/10/23) Besides books, ___________ are the second-most borrowed item in America. What is it?
Answer: jumper cables
(5/9/23) 7% of American women say that they "usually" ___________ for Mother's Day. What is it?
Answer: Buy something for their BFF
(5/8/23) A study suggests that if you have a ___________ you could live 8 to 10 years longer than other people. What is it?
Answer: sense of humor
(5/5/23) 1 in 5 people will leave their house today with a ___________ but never use it. What is it?
Answer: gym bag
(5/4/23) 56% of people say that they would rather be late to work and get yelled at by their boss than than do without ___________. What?
Answer: morning coffee
(5/3/23) 1 in 3 men will ___________ in their lifetime and the average age that they do it is 31. What is it?
Answer: get divorced
(5/2/23) If you have a large ___________ you are twice as likely to have a heart attack. What is it?
Answer: amount of debt
(5/1/23) The average person will say ___________ 5 times a day. What?
Answer: thank-you
(4/28/23) According to experts, single women looking for a happy, secure boyfriend should look for a man with a ___________. What?
Answer: sister(s)
(4/27/23) According to a new survey, 45% of workers say that their bosses have made them ___________. What is it?
Answer: cry
(4/26/23) A whopping 6 BILLION ___________ are sent every day. What?
Answer: emojis 🙂
(4/25/23) 27% of married people have demanded that their spouse kick this every day habit - which almost all of us do every once in a while. What is it?
Answer: hit the snooze alarm
(4/21/23) A recent survey reveals that the average person ___________ about 16 times a day. What?
Answer: swears
(4/20/23) The U.S. has more than 10,000 millionaires who made their money in an unusual way. What is it?
Answer: playing video games
(4/19/23) Just 5% of American say that they always ___________ when going out to eat, while 23% never do. What is it?
Answer: make reservations
(4/18/23) 20% of married people surveyed (1,000) admitted that they spend money on ___________ without telling their spouse. What is it?
Answer: gambling
(4/17/23) The typical American woman will spend about 66 hours ___________ while the average guy about 62 hours. What is it?
Answer: showering
(4/14/23) The #1 thing women dislike being called is ___________. What?
Answer: hormonal
(4/13/23) According to a recent survey, men ___________ four times faster than women do. What is it?
Answer: fall in love
(4/12/23) 52% of teenagers have never purchased a ___________. What is it?
Answer: a postage stamp
(4/11/23) 40% of couples say that they ___________ separately. What is it?
Answer: do laundry
(4/10/23) 12% of single women say that ___________ is the #1 deal-breaker on a first date. What is it?
Answer: being picked-up in a dirty/messy car
(4/6/23) According to a recent study, 1 out of 4 people won't date someone if they have ___________. What?
Answer: a pet
(4/5/23) 15% of Americans have taken a day off of work because they ___________. What?
Answer: they stubbed their toe
(4/4/23) Women say that ___________ is the biggest pet peeve they have about their partner's driving. What is it?
(4/3/23) 60% of women say that they are willing to kiss a guy on the 1st date if he talks about ___________. What?
Answer: his mother
(3/31/23) 1 in 6 people say that they forget to ___________ on a daily basis. What is it?
(3/30/23) People in their 50s are more likely to ___________ in bed than people in their 20s. What is it?
Answer: drink water
(3/29/23) The profession with the highest divorce rate is ___________. What?
Answer: dancers
(3/28/23) If you like Rock music and watched "Seinfeld", you're less likely to ___________ in the morning. What?
Answer: make your bed
(3/27/23) A ___________ helps a man in a job interview but hurts a woman. What is it?
Answer: wedding ring
(3/24/23) 30% of women think that ___________ is the most important thing they do all day. What is it?
Answer: putting on makeup
(3/23/23) Nearly 50% of people aged 42 and under have eaten ___________ within the past month. What is it?
Answer: ramen noodles
(3/22/23) 76% of women and only 46% of men ___________ every day. What is it?
Answer: make their bed
(3/21/23) 39% of men say that they actually like it when their wife ___________. What?
Answer: belches
(3/20/23) Women are twice as likely as men to do this good deed. What is it?
Answer: let someone cut in front of them in line
(3/17/23) 30% of men say that the most attractive trait a woman can have is ___________. What?
Answer: a sense of humor
(3/16/23) Over 61,000 people in the U.S. are getting ___________ right now. What?
Answer: their oil changed
(3/15/23) 44% of Americans don't know how to ___________ and that number grows every year. What is it?
Answer: swim
(3/14/23) 30% of Americans say that their dad taught them how to ___________. What is it?
Answer: manage their money
(3/13/23) A survey reveals that 30% of us ___________ at home, 65% do it elsewhere and 5% don't do it at all. What is it?
Answer: wash their car
(3/10/23) Nearly 1 in 4 pet owners admit to using their pet for ___________. What?
Answer: to get a day off from work
(3/9/23) 30% of couples taking road trips this summer will argue about ___________. What is it?
Answer: how to load vehicle
(3/8/23) According to a survey in a woman's magazine, 7 out of 10 women say that they won't date a guy with ___________. What?
Answer: gray hair
(3/7/23) According to a recent survey, 60% of guys think that ___________ is the first thing that people notice about them. What is it?
Answer: their phone
(3/6/23) More than 50% of employees surveyed said that they don't have ___________ at work. What is it?
(3/3/23) A study found that, when meeting someone new, the first two things we judge about the other person are their teeth and their ___________. What?
(3/2/23) We spend about 18 minutes per day thinking about ___________. What is it?
Answer: going on vacation
(3/1/23) On average, it takes less than 5 seconds to ___________. What is it?
Answer: decide if you like a song
(2/28/23) 70% of women think that men over the age of 35 look ridiculous when they wear ___________. What?
Answer: their hat backwards
(2/24/23) 3,000 people per year wind-up in the Emergency Room after tripping over a ___________. What?
Answer: laundry basket
(2/23/23) 38% of women surveyed say that they're trying to cut back on ___________. What?
Answer: gossiping
(2/22/23) 70% of us that have a ___________ don't use it for its intended purpose. What is it?
Answer: garage
(2/21/23) A survey revealed that 70% of men believe that they are better than women at ___________. What?
Answer: driving & navigating
(2/20/23) 35% of women say that it's a huge turn-off when a guy works on ___________ too much. What is it?
Answer: their tan
(2/17/23) The typical American has 3 of these useless items at home -- and most don't remember why. What are they?
(2/16/23) 82% of women say that ___________ is something that only the man should do. What is it?
Answer: hotel room key cards
(2/15/23) 42% of people wake-up in the morning thinking about ___________. What?
Answer: their job
(2/14/23) If previous years are any indication, ___________ will happen 220,000 times today. What is it?
Answer: marriage proposals
(2/13/23) 2% of people will ___________ in the month of February. What?
Answer: take down their Christmas tree
(2/10/23) 58% of us have forgotten ___________ while shopping. What is it?
Answer: where we parked
(2/9/23) 25% of men say that they won't date a woman with a ___________. What?
Answer: facial piercing
(2/8/23) 52% of women say that a "real man" should not be scared of ___________. What?
Answer: spiders
(2/7/23) 29% of Gen Z (8-23 years old) say that their goal in adulthood is to become a ___________. What?
Answer: CEO
(2/6/23) A new study shows that 50% of people stopped being friends with someone because of ___________. What?
Answer: bad advice they were given
(2/3/23) The average person experiences ___________ over 1,460 times each year. What is it?
Answer: dreams
(2/2/23) 54% of us think that our partner looks hotter when wearing ___________. What?
Answer: gym/workout clothes
(2/1/23) By the age of 60, most people have lost 50% of their ___________. What?
Answer: taste buds
(1/27/23) Men are twice as likely as women to ___________ while shopping. What is it?
Answer: ask a clerk for help
(1/26/23) 31% of moms say that they get stressed out about ___________ almost every day. What is it?
Answer: their weight
(1/25/23) 53% of employees say that their workplace doesn't have ___________. What?
Answer: a dress code
(1/24/23) 15% of kids entering college still ___________. What is it?
Answer: write in cursive
(1/23/23) Just 1 in 6 American say that ___________ is "essential" to living a happy life. What is it?
Answer: getting married
(1/20/23) 12% of us don't use ___________ even after we've paid for it. What is it?
Answer: prescriptions
(1/19/23) 23% of women say that ___________ is their partner's worst habit. What is it?
Answer: leaving wet towels on the bed
(1/18/23) 10% of American moms say that they want ___________ for Mother's Day this year. What is it?
Answer: a new mattress
(1/17/23) 41% of guys say that they're scared of ___________. What is it?
Answer: going bald
(1/16/23) 75% of people would give up watching TV, shopping and using a cell phone in exchange for ___________. What?
Answer: a flatter stomach
(1/13/23) It is considered very unlucky to ___________ on a Friday (double unlucky on Friday the 13th?) so it's seldom done. What is it?
Answer: start a trip by boat
(1/12/23) Washington is the only state that has written a law against driving while ___________. What?
Answer: having sex
(1/11/23) 47% of women receive more compliments when they ___________. What?
Answer: look tan
(1/10/23) The #1 thing forgotten by adults is where they put their keys. The #2 thing forgotten is ___________. What?
Answer: what to buy at the store
(1/9/23) According to a new poll, 11% of us say that ___________ is the most dangerous thing a driver can do. What is it?
Answer: be old
(1/6/23) The average person will say ___________ about 5 times today. What?
Answer: thank you
(1/4/23) Employers say that ___________ happens more in the first week of the new year than at any other time of the year. What?
Answer: getting fired
(1/3/23) According to a recent poll, the average person does this for five months before stopping. What is it?
Answer: goes to the gym
(12/29/22) Close to 18% of women pray before they ___________. What?
(12/28/22) ___________ is the #1 gift that women buy the man in their life when they don't know what to get him. What is it?
Answer: a wallet
(12/27/22) 45% of people have ___________ in a store in the last week. What?
Answer: paid with cash
(12/16/22) The average person buys 3 ___________ every holiday season. What is it?
Answer: rolls of wrapping paper
(12/15/22) In the 2 weeks leading up to Christmas, ___________ happens more often than any other time of the year. What is it?
Answer: break-ups
(12/14/22) 47% of women purchase ___________ when they are feeling down. What is it?
Answer: make-up
(12/13/22) Over 40% of Americans say that the pandemic has made us all more sensitive to ___________. What?
Answer: loud music
(12/12/22) The combined value of these holiday staples is about $9,000 maybe a little more this year. What are they?
Answer: Santa's reindeer (A male reindeer will run you about $1,000 or so!)
(12/9/22) According to a recent survey, December 10th (today) is the most common day for ___________. What is it?
Answer: putting up Christmas tree
(12/8/22) This "12 Days of Christmas" gift is the most expensive in 2022. What is it?
Answer: 10 lords-a-leaping. That will set you back $13,980!
(12/7/22) 82% of women say that a guy over 30 years old should never wear ___________. What?
Answer: an earring
(12/6/22) 26% of people still have ___________ hanging around from last year's holidays. What is it?
Answer: catalogs
(12/5/22) A study shows that compared to their mothers, women today have bigger ___________. What?
Answer: engagement ring
(12/2/22) Most of us have 1 of these but 3.5% of us have 2. What is it?
Answer: middle names
(12/1/22) 6% of Americans say that they are POSITIVE that they never ___________ even though most of us did as kids. What is it?
Answer: believed in Santa Claus
(11/30/22) According to a new study, men with higher I.Q.'s are more likely to ___________. What?
Answer: betting on horse races
(11/29/22) According to a new Reader's Digest survey, today is the best day to ___________. What is it?
Answer: book a New Year's flight
(11/28/22) According to experts, today is your last chance to ___________ in 2022. What is it?
Answer: safely eat Thanksgiving leftovers
(11/23/22) 35% of men have tried to hide ___________ from their mother. What is it?
Answer: a motorcycle
(11/22/22) 8% of us think that ___________ is the worst thing about Thanksgiving. What is it?
Answer: leftovers
(11/21/22) 36% of drivers think that ___________ is the most important thing to keep in the car. What is it?
Answer: ice scraper
(11/18/22) Almost 40% of married couples say that, if they could, the one thing that they would change about their wedding is ___________. What is it?
Answer: song for 1st dance
(11/17/22) If you are average, you'll experience close to 400 ___________ in your lifetime. What is it?
Answer: paper cuts
(11/15/22) This character balloon has made more than 40 appearances in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, which is far and away the most ever. Who is it?
Answer: Snoopy
(11/14/22) Around 500,000 Americans commit this crime every single year. What is it?
Answer: steal a hotel towel
(11/11/22) It seems like ___________ is a dangerous thing for a driver to do but it'll get you a ticket in only 1 state (Hawaii). What is it?
Answer: driving with a pet in your lap
(11/10/22) More than 40% of us make ___________ a habit at the lunch/dinner table even though experts say it's a bad idea. What is it?
Answer: salt the food before even tasting it
(11/9/22) For about 1 in 10 Americans, ___________ will be on the dinner table this Thanksgiving. What is it?
Answer: a check/bill (about 9% of us will go out to eat)
(11/8/22) More than 25% of voters complained about ___________ in 2020. What was it?

Answer: They didn't get an "I Voted" sticker
(11/7/22) The #1 pet peeve of dads is ___________. What is it?
Answer: leaving the lights on
(11/4/22) The #1 way we waste time at work is ___________. What is it?
Answer: talking about the weather
(11/3/22) 33% of married men say that they have borrowed their wife's ___________. What?
Answer: deodorant
(11/2/22) It takes men an average of 8 dates to ___________, while women need about 10. What is it?
Answer: Change their Facebook status to "in a relationship"
(11/1/22) According to a recent survey, liver is the most hated food. Number 2 is ___________. What is it?
Answer: lima beans
(10/31/22) 21% of parents say they would avoid hiring a babysitter that had ___________. What?
(10/28/22) According to a recent survey, more than 90% of us don't remember the last time we cleaned ___________. What is it?
Answer: vacuum cleaner
(10/27/22) The #1 turnoff for men, when it comes to women, is tattoos. For women, about men, it's beards. The #2 turnoff is the same for both. What is it?
Answer: bad breath
(10/26/22) According to a survey, most people say that they are afraid of ___________ in their house. What?
Answer: garbage disposal
(10/25/22) 11 billion ___________ are sold every year, but you usually get them for free. What is it?
The answer: ketchup packets
(10/24/22) 6 in 10 women plan to do this for Halloween versus just 4 in 10 men, What is it?
Answer: decorating outside of house
(10/21/22)13% of men would rather have more friends than more ___________. What?
Answer: hair
(10/20/22) According to a poll, our top 3 biggest fears/phobias are heights, spiders and ___________. What?
Answer: enclosed spaces (claustrophobia)
(10/19/22) The 3 most often played songs in the U.S.A. are "Happy Birthday", "The Star-Spangled Banner" and ___________. What is it?
Answer: "Take Me Out to the Ballgame"
(10/18/22) 52% of mothers ___________ when their children aren't home. What?
Answer: play video games
(10/17/22) 1 in 3 men would give up ___________ to remove belly fat. What?
Answer: watching football
(10/14/22) 10% of adults say that a ___________ is the WORST Christmas present a person could receive. What is it?
Answer: a toaster
(10/13/22) 47% of women said they actually buy ___________ for their significant other at Christmas time. What?
The answer: boxer shorts
(10/12/22) 7% of drivers say that they never ___________ because it "adds excitement". What is it?
The answer: use their turn signal
(10/11/22) In the 1980's, most people learned how to ___________. Now, only 14% of people learn hoe. What is it?
(10/10/22) More than 1/2 of American men say that their least favorite thing to shop for is ___________. What is it?
Answer: furniture
(10/7/22) 35% of people say that they would give-up a pay raise in exchange for ___________. What?
Answer: having their boss fired
(10/6/22) 20% of men say that they ___________ 3 times a week at the office.
What is it?
Answer: wear the same shirt
(10/5/22) Nearly 10% of people say that ___________ has happened to them on a first date. What is it?
Answer: their credit card got declined
(10/4/22) A survey found that the top 5 most popular musical instruments to play are: guitar, piano, drums, violin & ___________. What?
Answer: saxophone
(10/3/22) According to a new YouGov survey, 17 percent of us think it's "sometimes" OK to take part in this behavior. What is it?
Answer: drive drunk
(9/30/22) According to a recent survey, twice as many men than women say that ___________ is "not important" when job-hunting. What is it?
Answer: being qualified for the job
(9/29/22) Health experts say that we should ___________ at least once a week - but 5% of us wait 8 weeks to do it. What is it?
Answer: change our sheets
(9/28/22) On average, both waiters AND waitresses will get 30% more in tips if they ___________. What?
Answer: introduce themselves
(9/27/22) The average male will ___________ about 6 times on a first date. What?
Answer: lie
(9/26/22) Women take :20 seconds longer than men to ___________. What is it?
Answer: parallel park
(9/23/22) A woman will ___________ nearly 3 times a day until she's around 50. After 50, she'll only do it about once a day. What is it?
Answer: complain about her husband/boyfriend
(9/22/22) On average, Americans think that it takes 13 minutes to ___________. What is it?
Answer: be considered late
(9/21/22) According to a recent survey, 51% of us "never" ___________ when we travel/vacation. What is it?
Answer: unpack our suitcase
(9/20/22) 230 MILLION pounds of paper are used in America each year for ___________. What is it?
Answer: store receipts
(8/29/22) The average working woman ___________ roughly 20 times a week. What?
(8/26/22) 15% of guys have insulted a woman on a first date by asking ___________. What?
Answer: for gas money
(8/25/22) Sales of ___________ were UP last year for the first time in almost 20 years. What?
Answer: CDs (Compact Discs)
(8/24/22) This seemingly innocent item in American homes will be responsible for about 280 deaths this year. What is it?
Answer: toaster
(8/23/22) 70% of men say that they always have ___________ in their vehicle. What?
Answer: cologne/aftershave
(8/22/22) Men are just as likely as women to ___________ over the weekend. What?
Answer: do laundry
(8/19/22) 5% of people that own ___________ never use it. What is it?
Answer: dishwasher
(8/18/22) A new poll found that 5% of people wish radio stations would ___________. What?
Answer: play Christmas music year round
(8/17/22) 57% of people said they are saving money on their household budget this year by cutting back on ___________. What?
Answer: streaming services
(8/16/22) In 1972, 70% of homes in America had one of these. Today, only about 18% have one. What is it?
Answer: ash tray
(8/15/22) 25% of women have regular dreams about buying ___________? What?
Answer: a new pair of shoes
(8/12/22) 28% of women – and just 14% of men – do this on an airplane flight. What is it?
Answer: pray
(8/11/22) 33% of women say they would change ___________ about themselves. What?
The answer: their laugh
(8/10/22) If you’re a man and have ___________, statistically, you may be more intelligent than other men. What is it?
Answer: a hairy chest
(8/9/22) You’ll find this outside about 1 in every 200 American homes right now. What is it?
(8/8/22) The average person ___________ four times before they turn 32. What is it?
Answer: changes jobs
(8/5/22) The average family has 55 of these in their kitchen right now. What are they?
Answer: things stuck to refrigerator
(8/4/22) Statistics show that about 1 out of every 20 divorced people will do this at some point. What is it?
Answer: Remarry their ex-spouse
(8/3/22) You’re most likely to engage in this bad habit on a Wednesday, although millions of us do it every day. What is it?
Answer: hitting snooze button on alarm
(8/2/22) One in 3 pet owners have used their pet for this purpose. What is it?
Answer: their pet’s name as a password
(8/1/22) Believe it or not, nearly 1 in 5 Americans have never had this summertime experience. What is it?
Answer: ordering from an ice cream truck
(7/29/22) More than half of men under age 30 do not own a ___________. What?
Answer: a suit
(7/28/22) 39% of women go through their lives without ___________. What?
Answer: wisdom teeth
(7/27/22) 1/3 of wives wish that their husbands would ___________ more. What is it?
Answer: hold hands
(7/26/22) 1/4 of young adults have never been to ___________.
Answer: a bank
(7/25/22) 29% of people don’t know their partner’s favorite ___________. What?
Answer: salad dressing
(7/22/22) Men are more likely than women to admit that they dream about ___________. What?
Answer: their wedding day
(7/21/22) 14% of Americans don’t have ___________ in their home and 4% aren’t sure if they do or not. What is it?
The answer: air conditioning
(7/20/22) 52% of people are turned off by parents who ___________ in public. What?
Answer: change diapers
(7/19/22) 17% of us have had this happen in a romantic relationship – that number doubles among Millennials. What is it?
Answer: dumped via text message
(7/18/22) Roughly 1 in 10 millennials has never ___________ – but 97% of people over 50 have. What is it?
Answer: rode a bicycle
(7/15/22) Americans spend a billion dollars a year on ___________. What?
Answer: slippers
(7/14/22) According to a survey, 30% of men – and 19% of women – say they’d reconsider a relationship if they didn’t like the way their partner ___________. What?
Answer: maintain their “private area”
(7/13/22) In a recent survey, about 3 in 10 managers say ___________ would disqualify a job candidate in an interview? What?
Answer: bad breath
(7/12/22) In the U.S., the 3 most borrowed items are: pens, lighters and ___________. What?
Answer: jumper cables
(7/11/22) 20% of administrative professionals have done this on the job at work for their boss. What is it?
Answer: watch their pet(s)
(7/8/22) Over the course of her lifetime, the average woman will buy 220 ___________. What?
Answer: candles
(7/7/22) In a recent survey, 7% of people say that they haven’t __________ in more than 10 years. What is it?
Answer: gone to the dentist
(7/6/22) A recent study shows that the average person spends 5 months of their life ___________. What?
Answer: complaining
(7/5/22) 22% of American say that they carry ___________ on them at all times. What is it?
Answer: chewing gum
(7/1/22) Only about 1 out of 20 new mothers can say that they ___________. What is it?
Answer: give birth on the exact due date
(6/30/22) 38% of arguments between women happen at ___________.
Answer: a yard/garage sale
(6/29/22) According to a survey, people that partake in ___________ do it for an average of 23 months. What is it?
Answer: an extra-marital affair
(6/28/22) If you have one of these, you use it an average of two times per month. Almost half of us have one and have never used it. What is it?
Answer: Twitter account (Follow me @ToddELyonsEsq)
(6/27/22) More than 90% of Americans say that they no longer ___________. What is it?
Answer: answer unknown phone numbers
(6/24/22) 27% of us have NOT ___________ in the past year. What is it?
Answer: read a book
(6/23/22) According to a new survey, 13% of babies born this year will have a ___________. What?
Answer: a hyphenated last-name
(6/22/22) According to a new survey, 8% of couples have tried this romantic adventure. What is it?
Answer: “Get busy” in the front yard
(6/21/22) Guys are more likely to be hit on at the gym if they are wearing ___________. What?
Answer: a hoodie
(6/20/22) 25% of people say they would be willing to pay someone to do this for them. What is it?
Answer: assemble furniture
(6/17/22) A recent survey of insurance companies showed that 20% of people say ___________ caused them to get into a car accident. What?
Answer: picking their nose
(6/16/22) According to research, 91% of households in the U.S. own a ___________. What?
Answer: a Bible
(6/15/22) More than 15% of new drivers say the most stressful part of driving for them is ___________. What?
Answer: going through a drive-thru
(6/14/22) On average, men get a new ___________ every 2 years. What?
Answer: belt
(6/13/22) 25% of us say that we have tried at least 15 of these in our lifetime. What is it?
Answer: diet plans
(6/10/22) According to a recent survey, a man’s greatest fear is ___________. What?
Answer: poverty
(6/9/22) The average person will spend around 6 months of their life doing this. What is it?
Answer: waiting at a red light
(6/8/22) The average person ___________ about 25 minutes per day. What?
Answer: reads
(6/7/22) Contrary to popular belief, men really do enjoy ___________, even if they might not admit it – according to a recent poll. What is it?
Answer: watching romantic movies
(6/6/22) The #1 thing we find attractive in a partner when we’re younger is their looks, but after the age of 50 it’s ___________. What?
Answer: kindness
(6/3/22) If you’re average, you have more than 5 pairs of these. What?
Answer: jeans
(6/2/22) 60% of us talk to friends about ___________, but only 4% ever discuss it with a doctor. What is it?
Answer: a weight problem
(6/1/22) Nearly 1 in 10 workplaces now give their employees this perk – Which was unheard of a generation ago. What is it?
Answer: a nap room
(5/31/22) You probably have around 150 ___________ at home but only use about 15 of them. What?
Answer: TV channels
(5/27/22) When staying in a hotel room, 48% of us ___________. What?
Answer: walk around naked
(5/26/22) 21% of us don’t wash our hands after ___________. What?
Answer: changing a diaper
(5/25/22) 20% of us will leave the house today with ___________ but never use it. What is it?
Answer: a gym bag
(5/24/22) The #1 lie a man will tell a woman is: “___________.” What is it?
Answer: “I’m fine/Nothing’s wrong.”
(5/23/22) Just 20% of people going to work today have a ___________. What?
Answer: business card
(5/20/22) According to a new survey, what job has seen a 42% pay increase this year?
Answer: waiter/waitress
(5/19/22) According to a poll in USA Today, 64% of us ___________ right after taking a vacation. What is it?
Answer: call in sick to work
(5/18/22) While driving, 1 out of 5 people ___________. What?
Answer: throw trash out the window
(5/17/22) Experts say that Monday’s are the best day of the week to ___________. What?
Answer: buy a car
(5/16/22) 30% of adults in America have ___________ at least once in their lives.
Answer: sleepwalked
(5/13/22) 27% of women say that they feel younger when they have ___________. What?
Answer: blonde hair
(5/12/22) According to a recent survey, ___________ is #1 on most people’s “Bucket List”, beating out skydiving. What is it?
Answer: driving a race car
(5/11/22) The average person ___________ approximately 16 times per day, according to a recent survey.
Answer: swears/cusses
(5/10/22) According to women, the sexiest talent a man can have is ___________. What?
Answer: playing the piano
(5/9/22) Globally speaking, this occurs around 6,000 times per second. What is it?
Answer: send a tweet
(5/6/22) Almost half of people polled say they’re too embarrassed to do this in public. What is it?
Answer: stomach crunches
(5/3/22) The #1 thing we like to brag about saving money on is ___________. What?
Answer: vacations
(5/2/22) Parents likely paid $293 for their ___________. What?
Answer: kids 1st birthday party
(4/29/22) 15% of us admit to lying about ___________ all the time. What is it?
Answer: flossing our teeth
(4/28/22) 1/3 of women say that they ___________ when they are bored. What?
Answer: dye their hair
(4/27/22) 43% of people have worn ___________ on their head at least once in their life. What?
Answer: Mickey Mouse ears
(4/26/22) Believe it or not, more women than men watch ___________. What?
Answer: the Kentucky Derby horse race
(4/25/22) 15% of Americans have taken a day off of work because they ___________.
Answer: stubbed their toe
(4/21/22) 4% of people got a ___________ during the pandemic. What?
Answer: swimming pool
(4/20/22) 21% of American say that the first thing they do when they get out of bed is ___________. What?
Answer: drink water
(4/19/22) Beer is the #1 drink we order at a bar. What is #2?
Answer: margarita
(4/18/22) 40% of us won’t buy a car that doesn’t have ___________. What?
Answer: a cup holder
(4/14/22) 1:37 P.M. is the average time that people check on their ___________. What?
Answer: bank account
(4/13/22) 60% of men say they get turned-off when they see a woman ___________. What?
Answer: take a “selfie”
(4/12/22) 21% of women ___________ before exercising. What?
Answer: put on lipstick
(4/11/22) The average American home has 5.2 pounds of ___________. What?
Answer: candles
(4/8/22) 39% of men say that they actually like it when their wife ___________. What?
Answer: burps/belches
(4/7/22) According to AAA, about 35% of us have at least one ___________ in our car right now. What?
Answer: french fry
(4/6/22) The average person spends more than $200 a year on ___________. What is it?
Answer: making our home smell good
(4/5/22) Over 61,000 people are getting ___________ right now. What?
Answer: their oil changed
(4/4/22) We throw away 92% of ___________ without ever using it. What?
Answer: instructions
(4/1/22) People that make over $75,000/year typically have 4 or more ___________. What?
Answer: wristwatches
(3/31/22) A survey revealed that 30% of us ___________ at home, 65% do it elsewhere and 5% don’t do it at all. What is it?
Answer: wash their car
(3/30/22) Women think about ___________ about 5 times per day, while men think about it every other day. What is it?
Answer: grocery shopping
(3/29/22) Almost 20% of women say that they have kept this a secret from their partner. What is it?
Answer: fender bender
(3/28/22) According to a survey in a woman’s magazine, 7 out of 10 women say they won’t date a guy who has ___________. What?
Answer: gray hair
(3/25/22) When people were asked in a survey what they would miss the most if they traveled back in time, this came in at #1. What?
Answer: flush toilets
(3/24/22) 16% of married people say that they have gotten ___________ without telling their spouse.
Answer: a credit card
(3/23/22) A study found that, when meeting someone new, the first two things people judge are the other person’s teeth and ___________. What?
Answer: grammar
(3/22/22) 29% of adults use their kids as an excuse to buy ___________ for themselves. What is it?
Answer: chocolate milk
(3/21/22) On average, we will spend about $109 on a ___________. What?
Answer: wedding gift
(3/18/22) Since the 1970’s, 50 million people have participated in ___________. What?
Answer: NCAA basketball bracket pools
(3/17/22) Health experts say this is something we should wash at least 2 to 3 times a year, although many of us don’t even come close to that. What?
Answer: pillows
(3/16/17) The average American spends $6 a week on ___________. What?
Answer: lottery tickets
(3/15/22) 38% of women surveyed said they are trying to cut back on ___________. What?
Answer: gossiping
(3/14/22) 80% of these professionals go broke within 3 years of retiring. Who?
Answer: NFL players
(3/11/22) Teenage girls ___________ about once a week, while teenage boys do it about once a month.
Answer: slam a door shut
(3/10/22) One in eight women admit they get annoyed when they meet a woman that has ___________. What?
Answer: the same name
(3/9/22) On average, a child uses ___________ 730 times by their 10th birthday. What?
Answer: crayons
(3/8/22) 75% of women get suspicious when their man ___________. What?
Answer: sends flowers
(3/7/22) 25% of women ___________ while on vacation but rarely at home. What?
Answer: read a book
(3/4/22) Over 40% of Americans say the pandemic has made them more sensitive to ___________. What?
Answer: loud music
(3/3/22) 9% of men say that they would rather do what chore than spend time with their family. What is it?
Answer: cleaning the drain in the sink
(3/2/22) 59% of women dislike it when a man wears ___________. What?
Answer: Crocs on their feet
(3/1/22) 25% of men won’t date a woman if she has a ___________. What is it?
Answer: facial piercing
(2/28/22) 45% of us think that a person should wait until age 25 to ___________. What is it?
Answer: get a credit card
(2/25/22) ___________ doesn’t work in 1 out of every 4 homes in America. What is it?
Answer: doorbell
(2/24/22) 47% of people are uncomfortable talking about ___________ when it comes to themselves. What is it?
Answer: debt
(2/23/22) The average guy thinks about ___________ 6 times a day while the average woman does it 40 times per day. What is it?
Answer: their hair
(2/22/22) According to a survey, only 4% of guys across the world own a ___________? What is it?
Answer: a reptile
(2/21/22) By age 60, most people have lost 50% of ___________. What is it?
Answer: taste buds
(2/18/22) 27% of single men say that they won’t date a woman who has a ___________. What is it?
Answer: A twin
(2/17/22) One in five people say ___________ is their favorite secret spot to hide money. Where?
Answer: their shoe
(2/16/22) 36% of people will not _____ by themselves. What is it?
Answer: Watch a scary movie